Investing in OowaoO is investing in meaninful human relationships

Our mission is to provide connectivity between individuals

OowaoO is a company dedicated to creating meaningful human relationships and maintaining important social values.

In other words, Soshalize seeks to strengthen the bonds between people by promoting positive and constructive interactions. They value empathy and understanding as the foundations for building healthy and lasting relationships.

By supporting these important social values, OowaoO helps create a more connected and fulfilling world for everyone.

We asked 60 families to share with us how they organize their family events

“Thanks to this user research, we produced a visual prototype that we shared with 10 volunteer families who regularly welcome us to design the best experience for organizing family events. Here are their reactions when we showed them the first prototype.

OowaoO promises to reconcile our family and our poor organization for important events. We can't wait to use it!
Mary Greiner
Ville d'Avray, France
I have been using them for a year now. Everything is detailed and well organized and, of course, damn beautiful.
Anne Girard
Nice, France
Bravo! this is so cool! it really meets my expectations and even more, I don't understand how until now no one had thought of it!​
Manu Anand
Boulongne-Billancourt, France